How to Open and Close a Collapsible Top Hat (Opera Hat)
11 November 2024

Opening and closing a Collapsible Top Hat can be done in a number of ways, including:
- Method 1
- To open: Punching it open with fist.... Is never recommended!
- To close: Likewise punching/slapping it closed is not recommended.
- Method 2
- To open: Whilst holding hat on either side using palm of hands wiggle/push gently on inside tip until it pops open.
- To close: With hands in same position either side of brim, but with fingers near sweatband, apply even pressure using both thumbs at outside square (edge of tip) at around approx. 3 and 9 O’clock position, apply even pressure until closes. This can also be done alternatively with thumbs inside, and fingers on outside tip square.
- Method 3
- To open: Popping it open using a reciprocating forward motion, followed by sharp back pull, trying to allow the inertia of the initial forward motion, to try to make it spring open. Whilst can be used on toppers in good condition, success depends on the spring strength and hat condition. Though it does look spectacular as a performance.
- To close: This method has no comparative closure method.
- Method 4
- To open: Holding either front or back of the brim in one hand (with a broad full grip using whole hand, do not just use a small grip/finger and thumb) slap/hit the alternate end of brim against the flat side palm of your other hand, and the hat should spring open.
- To close: Place the tip (top of crown) on smooth, ideally flat, surface, avoid buttons and zippers (etc) if using one belly/body. Place hands either side of the underbrim evenly and apply pressure evenly on tip against surface to shut and collapse the hat.
You may have your own way, but above (4) is what we recommend and is shown on our video below. You also don’t have to use same opening and closing methods. If attending an event in White Tie dress code, you may have buttons and albert chains that make closing it on body harder, so may use (4) to open the hat, but (2) to close it.
YouTube Video:
How to Open and Close a Collapsible Top Hat
- If using a Vintage collapsible top hat more care should be taken as the condition may not be as good, as to be able to open it normally. The inside mechanism, the fabric or the brim may be more fragile so cannot use the hit against had opening method.
- Always store the hat in the open (not collapsed) position. It should only be collapsed for short periods at an Event or Travelling.